Today, I attended a funeral for a 44 year-old husband and father of two.  It is times like these that you really examine the importance of family and community.  Even in the sprawling Chicago suburbs where this family lives, it was obvious that they were supported by their community. There was a very large turnout at this man's funeral.  In many ways, it was sad to think that he left this world so young and full of potential.  However, he left us having touched many lives and instilling the values of family and community within his children.  It is because of family and community that this man's wife and children will be able to move forward with their lives. Whatever they do, they will be held by cousins, neighbors, friends, classmates, teachers, their congregation and co-workers.  I intend to be a part of this support system, as I work specifically with their son, who has special needs, to digest all that has happened and that will be happening in his life.  As he continues to grow and develop, he will need support to reach his potential despite this terrible event, the loss of his father.  

No one can anticipate the curveballs that life throws at us.  That is why it is essential that we support each other.  Not only does it promote humanity, but you never know when that support will be needed in your life.

In the smaller rural setting of Jasper County, community has always been evident to me.  It was never more evident than when I was on the other side of the funeral line.  In May 2008, I lost someone near and dear to my heart.  While my family mourned the loss of my grandmother, Marinda Lea Katsorelos, over 700 members of our community came to show their support.  It was reassuring to know how many lives were touched and how many would be there to help our family adjust to having lost such a significant person.  

Just as I felt the sense of security that Jasper County residents provided during my grandmothers passing and the sense of support the young father's family was given today, I want Integrated Therapy Services to promote warmth, security and support for families in need.

People may ask why a speech therapist would be concerned about issues related to security, relationships, community...Isn't that more of a counseling or social work area?  Well, yes, these issues do fall into a mental health realm.  However, in order for a child to fully develop their ability to relate and communicate with others, and to become social and independent critical thinkers (the traditional role of a speech therapist), they must first feel comfortable and stable within a safe environment.  They must know how to regulate their own emotions and have a fair understanding of them in order to convey how they feel.  They must be able to empathize with others regarding their emotional reactions in order to gage their response.  These are the foundations of communication and they are first practiced within the home with their family, their safe haven...and then within their community...and then on into the big world.  If something, such as the loss of a parent, or the diagnosis of something such as autism, causes a family distress, that can lessen the internal sense of security a child will have.  If a child's inner security is dampened, that can lead to a variety of issues.  Extended family, and community members can help to prevent the events that stem from such insecurities. 

As mentioned previously, my grandmother was a woman of faith.  She had faith in children, family, community and the God that guided them.  Thanks to her, I learned how to support without judgement and see the good in all people, no matter what their background.  She lifted so many spirits in her lifetime.  I can only hope to pass on her legacy through my mission in Jasper County.  

I hope that if you have taken the time to read this entry, you will continue to follow the events that will be occurring with Integrated Therapy Services in Jasper County and that you will join me in supporting our community. There are many opportunities available to strengthen the network of valuable resources available to our children and families.  I encourage you to join the effort!

The Secure Child by Stanley Greenspan

I'm sitting in my home in Geneva watching Sunday night football.  Fall is here.  The weather has gotten cooler and the leaves are turning.  I love this time of year!

Along with this change in seasons comes a change in my practice.  Soon, I will have an open facility in Newton.  I look forward to working with families in Jasper County, where I first grew to love this time of year.  Taking my dad meals to the fields where he was harvesting corn and soybeans, cheering on the Newton Eagles football team, hayrides and bonfires...Fall Festival, practice, band practice, cruising and TPing.  The memories bring me joy.

I hope I can return the feelings of joy to children and families in Jasper county so that they may live fully and happily in the community which I will always call home.